Old Spice - The most seafaring legend ever told
Digital photocollage made from hundreds of images of engravings.
llustrator: Sara Alonso
Client: Leo Burnett MADRID for OLD SPICE, Spain /
Head of Art: Juan Frías
Copywriter: Carlos Mañas
CEO: Gastón Guetmonovich

Cannes Award 2021
SILVER - Print
Shortlist - Outdoor
Shortlist - Industry Craft
DandAD 2021
Graphite Pencil - Illustration, Integrated
Lurzer’s Archive 2021
Print of the week - week 17/2021
Cover Magazine - April 2021 edition
In Magazine - Vol. 1+2 2021
LIA 2021
GOLD - Print - Use of Illustration Campaign
SILVER - Poster - Use of Illustration
BRONZE - Design - Use of Illustration
Shortlist - Podcast - Branded Podcast
CdeC 2021
Shortlist - Imagen Estática
Shortlist - Contenido
Shortlist - integración con el usuário
El Sol 2021
Gold - Producción - Craft
Shortlist - Branded Content - Entertainment
Shortlist - Digital and mobile - Illustration
FIAP 2021
Plata - Social Content
Bronze - Print
Bronze - Ilustration
El OJO 2021
Bronze - CONTENIDO - Plataformas de Audio y Sonido
Bronze - GRÁFICA - Formatos no convencionales
Bronze - PRODUCCIÓN GRÁFICA - Mejor Ilustración
Bronze- RADIO - Uso no convencional de plataformas de audio/sonido
Shortlist - CONTENIDO - Plataformas sociales
Shortlist - DESIGN - Afiches y publicaciones
ADC*E 2021
Silver - Interactive & Mobile - Social media Campaign
Bronce - Print & Outdoor
Eurobest 2021
Agency of The Year
Grand Prix - Print
Gold - Print & Publishing
Silver - Radio
ADC 2022
Merit - Art Direction - Poster
Merit - Press - Series
Shortlist - Digital
Best in Beauty