TOYOTA VERSO / “Superpadres” / Awarded at El Sol, Iberoamerican Advertising Festival / Bronze for Best Integrated Campaign, 2013
Agency: Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi, Madrid / CD: Ángel Torres+Lucas Paulino / Copy: Martín Subercaseaux / Head of Art: Sara Alonso / Directed: Maxi, Blur
Verso is a family car. TOYOTA wanted us to create a charming integrated campaign to place the product in the mind of parents. We thought about the following insight: parents, no matter how useless-fat-ugly-stupid they may consider themselves, are like Superheroes for a kid. So we created "Superparents" a very special range of Toys because they are based on real parents, with real powers... "Telephatic Supermums", "Brilliant Minded Superdads"...
TOYOTA VERSO / “Superpadres” / Awarded at El Sol, Iberoamerican Advertising Festival / Bronze for Best Integrated Campaign, 2013
Agency: Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi, Madrid / CD: Ángel Torres+Lucas Paulino / Copy: Martín Subercaseaux / Head of Art: Sara Alonso / Directed: Maxi, Blur
Verso is a family car. TOYOTA wanted us to create a charming integrated campaign to place the product in the mind of parents. We thought about the following insight: parents, no matter how useless-fat-ugly-stupid they may consider themselves, are like Superheroes for a kid. So we created "Superparents" a very special range of Toys because they are based on real parents, with real powers... "Telephatic Supermums", "Brilliant Minded Superdads"...